Task Definition and Common Sense

This post has two parts.
The first part is on the London Mayor’s “Say Maaate to a Mate” summer campaign and Ogilvy Consulting work. Although I find the visuals awkward, I do not have a clear opinion about the campaign. First, I am not a Londoner, and second, I do not know the whole story of the client (the Mayor) and the consultant (Ogilvy) cooperation – what had been initially proposed? Did the client ask for changes? Etc. However, the idea was good, and the discussions were rich, so I wrote a summary and cited some publications.
In the second part, I write about my own consulting experience. In most cases, the client and I worked together on the task definition, and I would often propose a different angle.
The connection between the two parts is the question: can one influence the task definition when a project has high visibility and one’s client is a Mayor?
