Task Definition and Common Sense

This post has two parts.
The first part is on the London Mayor’s “Say Maaate to a Mate” summer campaign and Ogilvy Consulting work. Although I find the visuals awkward, I do not have a clear opinion about the campaign. First, I am not a Londoner, and second, I do not know the whole story of the client (the Mayor) and the consultant (Ogilvy) cooperation – what had been initially proposed? Did the client ask for changes? Etc. However, the idea was good, and the discussions were rich, so I wrote a summary and cited some publications.
In the second part, I write about my own consulting experience. In most cases, the client and I worked together on the task definition, and I would often propose a different angle.
The connection between the two parts is the question: can one influence the task definition when a project has high visibility and one’s client is a Mayor?

Unveiled Faces, Open World

This is a second post reflecting on a project I did last summer, with European, Kyrgyz, Tadjik and Uzbek colleagues. Our team studied demands for financial services in Central Asia focusing on women. I conducted interviews, listened to focus groups discussions and described different groups of women-in-business. In this post, I collect impressions and quotes that will not make part of an official report. The goal is to save the impressions, images and ideas. Inspired by Mathilde ter Heijne and her art project Woman To Go.

What women want

In July – November 2021, I participated in a research project to identify the financial needs of women entrepreneurs in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. In this post, I share some personal impressions that complement the figures and conclusions in the official reports.
